Tuesday, July 10, 2012

"The Front Door"

Dexter, Myla ,Skippy, Lil Bit, Pearl and Buddy in the back.

 When someone comes to the door, I put the kids behind the gate in the dinning room, check out Lil Bit on Dexter's arm,, ;-)
Dexter loves "everybody",, he is ready to play anytime.

Dexter and Skippy

 Bud and Sadie
Allie and Callie
 Luda, a Goldendoodle,, came to visit.. Myla loved him. He was afraid of her!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

July 4th, 2012 a few pictures this morning, ,more to come...

 Maximus, Boots, and Maxi
 Boots is chewing on a stick, Maxi watching, along with Myla and Lil Bit
 Dexter, Lil BIt,, in the background, Boots and Maximus
 This is interesting, three different breeds, similar tan and white markings,,
 and add a fourth breed, Maxi
 Pearl strolling with her friends.
 Myla and Dexter check out Boots and Maxi
 Little dogs meet Big dogs at the fence ..