Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Snow Bud

This is Sophie, she didnt do this,
But one of the boy dog's did.
It looks like like the Budweiser crown.
These pictures were taken a couple years ago,
after the snow heart had to post these. :-)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Dogs love the snow.. " Heart"

This must be a doggie version of a snow angel!

March 2010 Warm days, then Snow. but lots of doggie fun

March 21, 2010

Zoe and Sophie
Chloe, Sparky and Zoe
Sophie and Leia

Gracie and Maya

Maya and Gracie running to greet our neighbor
"Matayo".. while the little yard dogs watch.

Zoe and Sly
Sparky letting the big dogs know who is "boss"

Monday, March 15, 2010


This is Wiggles first visit, and she warmed right up,

she joined in reading books with Mason and Maelie,
they helped make her feel at home.
These pictures were taken in the first hour,
by the end of the day, she figured out how to come in
the dog door.

Sly, Tigger and George

Tigger and George

Nap time with Buddy, and more

Buddy,, Napping with Mason and Maelie

Cody joins in
Buddy threw up this morning,
you can see he doesn't feel good.. :-(
Here is Buddy with his friend Galaxy
"rough house play"
Rosie and Snuggles, enjoying a warm day