Hershey, Winnie, Sophie, Cody
Wish you a Merry Christmas

Here is my gang, along with Bosco, going to the lake.

Cody checking out what's ahead.

Cody this fall, rolling in the leaves.

Here is the gang going to Raytown Gregory Animal
to get their annual shots.
My dad added the white rail on the wagon, it makes
for one trip in and out.

Hershey, flashing me a smile.


Cody likes to stick his head between the
spindles to get a better look around.

Hershey and Cody see a turtle at the lake.

Winnie likes to rest her chin.

Hershey and Bosco spend many hours together like this.

Here is Bosco is with Winnie

and with Sophie... This is Sophie's " water bed".. I filled an air
mattress with water, folded it up and put in this plastic tray.
I had to make Bosco one too, but he still likes to share with her.

Here are the last of my dogs,, this is Buddy and Chloe,, they
are "like family" , they have become
part of the gang.
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