Myla in her playpen,, Bruno loved her,, he watched over his little buddy.
Myla came to me weighing in at 1 pound 8 oz,, and Bruno to Katie at 26 pounds, both were about two months old
Buddy getting to know Myla

Buddy getting to know his new friend Bruno
Gracie not so impressed with her cousin..
Myla and Bruno,, getting bigger
Annie and Bruno

Bruno and Iris, above, and Bruno and Mona below
Bruno meets Sweet Pea

easier to eat this way,, closer to the dish
check out the size of this foot

and front paw

Bruno and Mona,, "Sweethearts"
Bruno with Molly and Abbey
February 2013, His 1st birthday was January 6th.

Bruno checks out Sweet Pea and Zoe

Mona Jake Bruno

found this picture,, this was the last time Buddy and Bruno played in the yard together,,

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